Self-Care 101: A workbook for caring people who forget to care for themselves
This workbook is for you if:
Self-care is a new idea for you
You don't even know where to start thinking about self-care
You feel you have 'lost yourself ' and would like to claim some time and space for yourself
The term ‘self-care’ is bandied about a lot these days. But while we’re all talking about it we don’t seem to be very good at doing it! Stress, worry and panic are still common problems in day-to-day living and self-care seems to be something that is pushed to the side often as we firefight our way through our days.
It’s an age-old problem. When you are a person who cares about other people you often forget to extend that care to yourself. You work hard at making sure your people are ok. And that kind of selflessness is a lovely, caring trait, it really is.
But…what about you?
You are also a person who deserves your love, care and attention.
You deserve to have time and space for yourself
And you need to be able to carve out that time without feeling guilty or ashamed for taking space for yourself.
I know it isn’t easy to put yourself first, or to admit that you need space for yourself. I know it can feel like a failure to say ‘no’ to someone. Sometimes it’s hard even to know where to start. That’s where this workbook can help! It’s full of exercises to help you reflect on what self-care means for you and improve your mindset around making self-care an important priority in your life. I hope you enjoy it.
This workbook is available in the following formats:
Digital Workbook £3.00
Printed Workbook £6.50 (includes 2nd class UK postage)
To order, please contact me at antonia@tranquillo.group​​

Self-Care Tips for the Frazzled: Small steps to frazzle-free living - FREE EBOOK
This free ebook is for you if:
You are so busy that you can't even being to think about self-care
Self-care is a new idea for you
You can't imagine how self-care can fit into your life
You want to claim back some space and time for yourself
When life is one big juggling act and family, work, studying, friends, and household stuff that take up every minute of your day it's so easy to forget to look after yourself. Self-care becomes something you talk about but never actually do. "I'll do it when I have the time", you reassure yourself, as though that time will magically appear someday in your schedule. Besides, self-care isn't that important, is it?
We need a change of mindset. The problem is that we tend to think of self-care as being self-indulgence. We think that taking some time out for ourselves is selfish. We often think of self-care as the 'luxury' and 'fun' (and often expensive) things - spa weekends, holidays, parties, socialising, or indulging in a bit of retail therapy. And yes, these can be part of your self-care if that's what floats your boat.
But really, self-care is about doing what's best for you. It's about doing the everyday things that keep you mentally and physically healthy and well. It's fostering habits that take a little bit of stress out of your day, every day. This book can point you in the right direction.
To get your free copy, ​​​sign up to my mailing list here